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New York Weekly Magazine Article

ÚNICA™ Brings the Hispanic Tradition of Natural Medicine and CBD to a New Generation by Samantha Cornwell – November 2, 2022 in Business Traditional Mexican healing practices have survived conquest, colonization, and the professionalization of medicine. It is passed down from generation to generation through the oral tradition, and many natural remedies and medicines lack […]

LA Weekly Magazine Article

Remedios María Juana™ and Cascabel™ Heal the Hispanic Population with Unparalleled CBD Pain Relief and Sleep Products on the Market ÚNICATM Brands brings a fresh new approach to the American CBD market. Using traditional, healthy, and all-natural ingredients, Remedios María Juana™ and Cascabel™ were produced with the Hispanic population in mind. They represent two of the biggest reasons why ÚnicaTM lives up […]

Disrupt Magazine

Unica is Cultivating Wellness for Hispanic Populations Across America Through Their CBD Infused Products As a female CEO of a Hispanic-owned business, Única™ has been working hard to educate America’s Hispanic population with its CBD-infused products. Both the Hispanic population and the CBD market are immense. Approximately 19% of the US population is Hispanic, and […]

Kivo Daily

“Sana, Sana…” How the brands from ÚNICA™ are adding a new twist to Abuela’s home remedies for pain relief If you grew up in a Hispanic household, you probably know all about home remedies. Your mom or Abuela likely had a homemade tea or special ointment that cured whatever ailed you. Sometimes the cure came […]